Tuesday 1 December 2009

Expanding on our project idea

For the creative risk project, I am going to be working with Alison Murphy. We came up with several ideas, but after much thought, we decided on one of the ideas.

We are going to use playing cards, to make a tower. We were going to spray paint them different colours, but we decided against this, as it would be too time consuming.

1. We are going to be filming, whilst we are making the tower.
2. We might make a small mistake, which could lead to the tower possibly falling down. If this happened, we would then have to rebuild the tower.
3. The idea is quite simple, but it might not work as we planned it.

1. Would we build our tower inside? Or maybe outside? If we were to do it outside, we would have to consider the weather. Also if we were to consider doing it inside, we would also have to think about where we do it.
2. We would have to consider what we are going to have in the background. Maybe have it next to a plan wall, so all the attention is just focused on the tower.

We came up with 4 ideas, before we decided on the playing card idea:
1st idea: Combining musical performance and photography. We thought about having someone sat at a piano, and then have the video cut to different footage, similar to the 'Dog Star Man' video we were shown. The risk for this idea, was that it might not work out how we planned it to, and we also didn't know whether others would understand it.

2nd idea: Using paint. We came up the idea of maybe finding somewhere, like some pavement, so paint on. The risks for this idea were that it might be offensive or other members of the public might not like it. Also it might stain the pavement.

3rd idea: Using dominoes to make a trail. We came up with the idea of setting up dominoes in a pattern and then knocking them down when we had finished. We would be filming us doing this. The risk for this idea would be that the dominoes may fall down, before we had finished it

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