Friday 11 December 2009

Final Risk video

Below is the final cut of our Risk video.

What I would add/change if I had more time

If I had more time to complete my project, I would maybe edit the footage more, and maybe even record some more footage, using different shots. Also I would have made a better soundtrack, by spending more time on it, because I only had a short period of time in which to produce a soundtrack.

Evaluation of the day

In the three lessons we had today, both me and Alison spent the time we had working editing and finalising our Risk project video. We had a few technical issues with the computer we were working on. Yesterday when we were at Long Road, we started our editing, but when we went to finish our editing on the computer at Coleridge, we found that our file wouldn't open, because Final Cut needed was an older version. We managed to resolve the issue and got our video finished in time. I made the soundtrack in Garageband and then imported it into Final Cut.

Thursday 10 December 2009

Evaluation of the day

In lessons today, we finished uploading all of our footage and started to edit it in Final Cut, which we will then finish off tomorrow. Also I started looking at soundtracks to put with our footage, I experimented in Garageband with different sounds.

Wednesday 9 December 2009

Evaluation of the day

Today, we started uploading our footage from our shooting on Tuesday. We still have the other tape to upload, because we had two cameras setup. We will upload the second tape in the two lessons tomorrow.

Tuesday 8 December 2009

Evaluation of the day

We were at Coleridge this morning for our first two lessons. We did a lot of filming for our project there. We had two cameras set up, and filmed nearly everything we did. We have a lot of footage to work with, because we used both the films up! We plan to edit our footage on Thursday.
Also in the last lesson of the day, I did some research into the history behind both dominoes and playing cards, which I have posted below.

The history behind playing cards

Playing cards were originally from Britain, but are now known and used all over the world in many games, such as Poker and Bridge.
Some different countries have cards with different face designs, with roots which are far older than the British playing cards.
(Information from:

Above is a picture showing the different suits in other countries.


Monday 7 December 2009

Evaluation of the day

In the lesson today, I did some more work on my blog and in my sketchbook. Also me and Ali planned out what we are going to do for the rest of the week.

We are going to hopefully start filming our card towers/dominoes, at Coleridge. Back at Long Road, we are going to carry on working on our blogs and in our sketchbooks.

Today, we only have one lesson, but in this time we hope to plan how we are going to edit our footage from Tuesday.

Today, we have two lessons at Long Road, where we hope to upload our footage from Tuesday and start editing it.

Today we are at Coleridge all day. The deadline for our video is today, so we will finish editing today if we need to and maybe put some titles onto our video.

Health and safety risk assessment

For part of our project, we have to do a risk assessment. Below is the risk assessment I have written.


1. Technical equipment might go wrong, Macs, cameras, etc.

2. Working at a computer for long periods of time.

3. Card tower might fall down whilst filming, and the dominoes might also fall down.


1. Make sure there is a backup- test the equipment before use. Make sure there is a spare camera, also make sure that the camera has enough battery.

2. Take small breaks from the computer, maybe take a walk, work on sketchbook for a while.

3. Set the cards and dominoes up on a surface thats not too slippery, use paper.

(There is also a copy of my risk assessment stuck into my sketchbook.)

Experimenting with the card tower

On Friday, we also experimented with the card tower idea and the domino idea. Below are some pictures Ali took of us experimenting.

Friday 4 December 2009

Evaluation of the day

Today in lessons, we worked on our sketchbooks. We also continued planning for our project.

Thursday 3 December 2009

Evaluation of the day

Today in lessons we did some test footage of both the domino idea and the card tower idea. We have decided to merge the ideas together. The three videos of our footage are in below posts.

Dominoes test footage

Below is a video of some test footage we did, using the dominoes. We decided we will incorporate them into our card tower idea.

Our idea

Both me and Ali have decided to add the dominoes idea into our card idea. We came up with the idea of having the card tower in the middle and the dominoes around the outside. We will still be filming the whole process using iStopMotion, but we will have one of us building the tower and then the dominoes in a line around it, which we then knock down.

Card Tower test footage

Below are two videos of our test footage for our card tower.

Wednesday 2 December 2009

Resource requirements for the project

Below are the resources we are going to need for the project:

1. Computer- Macbook/ Mac at Coleridge
2. HD camera
3. HD tape
4. Tripod
5. USB cable, so we can connect the camera to the computer
6. Maybe some lighting, so we can make the card tower stand out more.

We don't need any art equipment at this time

1. Location (Still needs to be decided)
2. Playing cards
3. A plain wall to do our card tower in front of

Evaluation of the day

Today in our lesson, we discussed what equipment we will need for our projects and also we started planning what we are going to do in the lessons to come, so we use our time wisely.
I have decided that tomorrow, I will do some more sketchbook work, more blog work and maybe some test footage, if Ali is back in tomorrow. On Friday, the schedule is similar, except we will only carry on with the test footage, if we don't get it done/finished tomorrow.

Tuesday 1 December 2009

Evaluation of the day

Today in lessons, we did more planning for our project. I also did some more work in my sketchbook and some research into my project on my blog.
Also we had to do a small interview in front of a camera about what we are going to do for our projects. This will count as evidence towards the final project.

Peer feedback on my blog

Today we had to give each other feedback on the blogs. Alex gave me feedback about my blog, which I have put below.

Positive feedback
1. It is very well detailed.
2. Many pictures spread out the blog and makes it look more exciting.

Things to improve
1. There is no reference links to any information or pictures. (I will put links to websites where I have taken any information or pictures from)
2. Maybe put a photo of Steve Powers on the blog. (I will take this into consideration and add a picture of him)

Research on card towers

I have researched on the internet about card towers. I found some pictures of other people's attempts at card towers.

Above is a video, which I have taken from Youtube. This video shows someone building a card tower, which is similar to how we will build ours.

Expanding on our project idea

For the creative risk project, I am going to be working with Alison Murphy. We came up with several ideas, but after much thought, we decided on one of the ideas.

We are going to use playing cards, to make a tower. We were going to spray paint them different colours, but we decided against this, as it would be too time consuming.

1. We are going to be filming, whilst we are making the tower.
2. We might make a small mistake, which could lead to the tower possibly falling down. If this happened, we would then have to rebuild the tower.
3. The idea is quite simple, but it might not work as we planned it.

1. Would we build our tower inside? Or maybe outside? If we were to do it outside, we would have to consider the weather. Also if we were to consider doing it inside, we would also have to think about where we do it.
2. We would have to consider what we are going to have in the background. Maybe have it next to a plan wall, so all the attention is just focused on the tower.

We came up with 4 ideas, before we decided on the playing card idea:
1st idea: Combining musical performance and photography. We thought about having someone sat at a piano, and then have the video cut to different footage, similar to the 'Dog Star Man' video we were shown. The risk for this idea, was that it might not work out how we planned it to, and we also didn't know whether others would understand it.

2nd idea: Using paint. We came up the idea of maybe finding somewhere, like some pavement, so paint on. The risks for this idea were that it might be offensive or other members of the public might not like it. Also it might stain the pavement.

3rd idea: Using dominoes to make a trail. We came up with the idea of setting up dominoes in a pattern and then knocking them down when we had finished. We would be filming us doing this. The risk for this idea would be that the dominoes may fall down, before we had finished it