Friday 27 November 2009

Evaluation of the day

In lessons today, we spent the majority of the time doing our cardboard animations. We put our pictures up on the computer, and then projected them onto the whiteboard, so we could trace the outline onto our cardboard. We had 5 frames overall, of a pea being chased by a fork. We had to colour in our 5 frames by hand, which took up a lot of time, but there were 4 of us in our group, so we managed to get it done quicker. We then took our 5 frames, and found a wall, which we then leaned each frame up against, and took a photo of each one. We then put our pictures into iStopMotion, so it looked as though the pea is actually moving.

L3 PEA LOOP (Charna, Ali, Sophie & Alex) from cmdiploma on Vimeo.

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